
Monday, June 21, 2010

Rules and rates for motor bicycles

Rules and rates for charging bicycles , tricycles motor bicycles and tricycles with auto-wheel attachments, .side carts , go-carts , perambulators , rickshaws etc,:
The following are the rules and rates for the carriage of bicycles tricycles and other cycles :-
(a) No free allowance is given.
(b) these articles must be loaded in the luggage or brake_ van and are not allowed to be taken by the owners in their carriage . In case they are found unbooked with a passenger in a compartment the same would be charged at six times the scale R’ for entire distance subject to minimum charge of Rs 50
(c ) in case , these articles are found unbooked with a passenger at destination station , the same would be charged at 6 times scale R subject to a minimum of Rs 50.
(d) These articles must be securely packed in cases or crates. If not so packed, the condition must be specified in the Forwarding Note.
(e) Railway accepts no liability for detachable fittings unless they are securely packed in cases and a receipt is given for them . Such detachable fittings will be included in the minimum weight for charge.
(f) In case of cycle tongas , cycle lorries and rickshaws , the shaft may be removed before they can be accepted for conveyance…
(g)Changes are round_ off to R e.1 in wagon load.
Note:- One baby tricycle per passenger may be included in free allowance.
Charges at luggage rate on actual weight subject to the minimum weight shown opposite each. Which will apply per crate or case if packed per articles if unpacked ; -
Description     Weight
Auto – Rickshaws 6.00 Quintals
Bicycles crates, empty 20 Kilograms
Bicycles 40 Kilograms
Bicycles children ‘s 20 Kilograms
Bicycles fitted with auto –wheel etc. 75 Kilogram
Chairs, invalid 1.50 Quintals
Chairs, Push children ‘s 40 Kilograms
Chairs, Push children.’s collapsible 20 Kilograms
Cycle Lorries . 1.50 Quintals
Cycles Tongas 1 50 Quintals
Cycle trailing cars 1.50 Quintals
Cycle trailing vans 1.50 Quintals
Go – Carts 20 Kilograms
Motor Cycles above 60 cc 1.00 Quintals
Motor Cycles upto 60 cc but below 350 cc 2.00 Quintals
Motor Cycles 350 cc or above [ minimum ] 2.50 Quintals
Motor Cycles with side- cars attached 6. 00 Quintals
Motor scooters 2. 00 Quintals
Motor lawn movers 2. 00 Quintals
Motor Scooters on three wheels 6.00 Quintals
Motor tricycles with receptacles 4. 50 Quintals
Motor tricycles 6. 00 Quintals
Padal vehicles, children ‘s 40.00 Kilograms
Perambulators 75.00 Kilograms
Perambulators collapsible 20.00 Kilograms
Power Tiller 6. 5 Qntls per tiller
Push vehicles , children ‘s 20 00 Kilograms
Rickshaws 1 50 Quintals
Scooters , children ‘s 2 0 .00 Kilograms
Side- cars of Motor Cycles 2 00 Quintals
Side- cars of Bicycles 40 .00 Kilograms
Three wheeler delivery vans 9 .00 Quintals
Tricycles 1 . 00 Quintals
Ttricycles children ‘s 20 00 Kilograms
Free Allowance on luggage
To the passenger -
(A ) 1st A .C 70 Kgs. Per adult
First Class / AC II – Tier Sleeper 50 Kgs per adult
A .C. Chair /Sleeper class / AC III – tier 40 Kgs per adult
(B) MST /QST 15 Kgs for 1st class and
10 Kgs for IInd class
(C) Ind Rail Pass 70 Kgs for AC Ist class
40 Kgs for IInd class
Metal Pass 140 kgs per adult
First “,A” Pass 140 kgs per adult
First class Pass 70kgs per adult
IInd class pass 50Kgs per adult
IInd “A” class pass 50Kgs per adult
(half of the above quantity is allowed for child.)
(i) On certain Railways or on any portion of any Railway the free allowance of luggage may be restricted .
(ii) On soldier ticket / Check soldier ticket of any class the free allowance of luggage is 40 Kgs.per adult and 20 Kgs. Per child .
(iii) One musical instrument , one TV and one baby- tricycle may be included in free allowance .
Free Articles Allowed ( Each ticket ) ; ---
Over and above the free allowance of luggage mentioned above , the carriage of the following article is also allowed free in the passenge’s comparment . If required to be carried in brake – van these will be weighed and charged after giving free allownce .