
Saturday, August 27, 2011

Special Trains Between Howrah and Mysore & Between Shalimar-Tirupati

In order to clear extra rush of passengers, the following Special trains passing through South Central Railway during following dates.

1) Howrah –Mysore – HowrahWeekly Special Trains : Train No. 08003Howrah – Mysore Weekly Special Train will depart Howrahat16 10 hrs o­nFridays i.e, o­n16th ,23rd 30th, September, 7th ,14th , 21st ,28thOctober , 4th ,11th , 18th, November2011andarrive Mysore at 05 00 hrs o­n Sundays. In the return direction, Train No. 08004 Mysore –HowrahWeekly Special train depart Mysore at 00 30 hrs o­n Mondaysi.eon 19th ,26th , September, 03rd ,10th ,17th ,24th,31st October, 07th 14th ,21stNovember 2011and arrive at Howrahat 14 50 hrs o­n Tuesdays.This train will have ACClass, Sleeper Class and General Second Class Coaches

2) Shalimar – Tirupati – Shalimar Special Trains:Train No. 08055Shalimar – Tirupati WeeklySuper Fast Train will departShalimar at 15 50 hrs o­n Thursdays i.e 22nd , 29thSeptember6th , 13th , 20th, 27th, October, 3rd , 10th&17th November and arrive Tirupati at 18 00 hrs o­n Fridays.In the return direction, Train No. 08056Tirupati – Shalimar Weekly Special train will departTirupati at 19 45 hrs o­n Fridays i.e23rd, 30th September7th, 14th , 21st , 28thOctober, 4th, 11th,18th November, 2011 and arrive Shalimarat 23 00 hrs o­n Saturdays.This train will have ACClass, Sleeper Class and General Second Class coaches.