
Friday, September 16, 2011


In its endeavour to provide better service to its bonafide rail users and also to check ticketless travel and other such irregularities, WR conducted regular checks during August, 2011 in which about 1,27,066 cases were detected.

During the month of August, 2011 a total number of 1,27,066 cases of ticketless/irregular travel including unbooked luggage were detected resulting into a recovery of Rs.373.09 lakhs which is 23.14 % more than the corresponding month of the last year. Similarly, 87 cases of illegal transfer of reserved tickets were detected and an amount of Rs.74,581/- was realised. During the same period, 1043 beggars and unauthorized hawkers were apprehended, out of which 798 were evicted from Railway premises, 33 were charged and an amount of Rs.9,020/- was recovered as railway dues. 212 persons were prosecuted out of which 210 persons were fined and an amount of Rs.1,17,500/- was collected as fine. 2 persons were sent to jail. During August, 2011, 156 checks were conducted against touts and other anti-social elements. As a result, 416 persons were apprehended and got prosecuted under various sections of Railways Act. Out of 416 persons, 414 persons were fined and an amount of over Rs.36,039/- was recovered from them and 2 persons were prosecuted under section 143.


During August, 2011, 745 beggars were detected and removed from Railway premises.

WR urges all rail users to buy proper railway ticket and travel with dignity.