
Monday, January 2, 2012


In an endeavour to bring about improvement in passenger amenities, Delhi Division of Northern Railway under the flagship & guidance of Shri S.K. Budhalakoti, General Manager and Shri Ashwani Lohani, Divisional Railway Manager, Delhi has started full fledged ‘On Board House Keeping Services (OBHS) on all Shatabdis, also facilitate train users to get detailed information through SMS and to maintain its reputation for being conferred with ‘National Tourism Award’ Delhi Division has set in motion the ‘Clean Delhi Division’ campaign from today i.e. 2nd January, 2012.

The critical importance of a clean environment cannot be over emphasized especially in passenger handling areas and the present efforts seek to reinforce the commitment of the railways towards cleanliness.Hence, Delhi Division has launched a ‘Clean Delhi Division Campaign’ from today over all the stations and other railway premises falling within the jurisdiction of the Delhi Division.In the campaign the services of the staff and the volunteers from other walks of life designated as ‘Rail Mitra’ are being used.A number of hoardings and posters carrying the message of cleanliness are being put-up at the stations, and stickers are being displayed prominently in the trains.Similar messages have started flashing on the LCD screens on the platforms.An appeal to passengers about cleanliness at stations, trains and on the Facebook page of Delhi Division has been posted.Scouts and guides organization are also being roped in for helping in this noble cause.

Cleanliness and hygiene are foremost requirements of traveling passengers.Due to high occupancy in Shatabdi Express trains, one of the prestigious and popular trains of Indian Railways, the coaches are susceptible to litter and toilets require frequent cleaning. So Delhi Division has started ‘On Board House Keeping Services (OBHS) on Shatabdis plying in Northern Railway.The service was started in Swarn Shatabdi running between New Delhi – Amritsar – New Delhi, but looking at the popularity and high patronage, the services has been extended to other Shatabdis from Ist January, 2012.To overcome this problem, Delhi Division has outsourced the cleaning works to a reputed agency called M/s General Security and Information Services Pvt. Ltd.It will deploy 4 to 6 uniform Janitors with cleaning agents, including one supervisor during every trip.One person per 3 coaches is being deployed, who will regularly clean the toilets & the sitting areas.It is expected that this service shall provide hygienic and comfortable journey to the passengers of these premium trains as well as providing value for their money.

Delhi Division of Northern Railway has achieved another milestone today by introducing SMS services to the passengers for information regarding Arrival/Departure of trains.Two way communication is indeed a precursor to the effective governance.The passenger has to send the 5 digit train number through SMS to 9717631813 and the system will automatically generate the reply of the query.