For the convenience and to clear extra rush of passengers,Railways have decided to augment on permanent basis the passenger carrying capacity of train nos. 12823/12824 Durg-Hazrat Nizamuddin-Durg Chattisgarh Sampark Kranti Express and 12549/12550 Durg-Jammu Tawi-Durg Express by one additional AC 3 Tier coach as per the programme:-
The 12823/12824 Durg-Hazrat Nizamuddin-Durg Chattisgarh Sampark Kranti Express train will be augmented by one additional A.C. 3 Tier coach with effect from 24.11.2011 when departing from Durg and from 25.11.2011 when departing from Hazrat Nizamuddin.
The 12549/12550 Durg –Jammu Tawi-Durg Express train will be augmented by one additional A.C. 3 Tier coach with effect from 29.11.2011 when departing from Durg and from 1.12.2011 when departing from Jammu Tawi.