As announced in last Railway Budget and with an aim to provide more passengers comfort to the commuters, Railways have decided to extend 18416/18415 Puri-Banspani-Puri Express to Barbil w.e.f. 8th February 2012.
18416 Puri-Barbil Express leaving Puri at 06.00hrs will arrive at Barbil at 16.30hrs w.e.f. 8th February 2012. In the return direction, 18415 Barbil-Puri Express will leave Barbil at 08.05hrs and will arrive Puri at 20.35hrs w.e.f. 8th February 2012.
This train will provide stoppages at Murga Mahadev, Deojhar, Jammukundia, Dangoaposi, noamundi and barajamda between Bansapani & Barbil. The stoppages for this train scheduled at different places will remain unchanged.